A Short on Gentlemans Shoe Care

Have you ever bought a part of shoes that you simply love? Well, by taking care of your shoes on a regular basis can allow the shoes you love to last longer.

For a gentleman a good pair of shoes is a necessity to your wardrobe and a well polished & shined pair makes your suit look even better. It almost ruins a beautiful suit, when you wear it with the wrong pair of shoes or, worst yet, unclean shoes!

Take care of your shoes by visiting the shoe repair shop for a professional shine, and resoling of the bottoms as they wear out. How often you do this varies on how much you wear your shoes and how fast your shoes wear out. However, regular personal care can be very advantageous to your shoes life. Yes, we are not ladies but shoes are very important to the gentleman's wardrobe and it is important to take care of them.

Take a look a the the video on how to polish & shine your dress shoes. It is a very helpful video that can allow your shoes to last a very long time in living "Life...With Style!"

Yours Truly
Michael Ferrera

1 comment:

  1. Taking care of one's shoes is a good tip for women as well. It is not attractive to walk around with scratches, marks, or a worn down heel. Invest in shoe boxes and cloth/soft shoe bags, especially for traveling. :-)


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