The Coffee Date Excuse

Ferrera Fresh Tip: GENTS... spontaneous dates with her will make her smile and keep her on her toes...

Well today, September 29th is National Coffee Day and many places are offering free or discounted cups of Joe to all visitors. (Check them out here) With that in mind gents, why not have a simple spontaneous date with that lady you're interested in. In addition, it's the perfect excuse to see her again and you can get to know more about her over some delicious coffee.

Try this: Call her in the middle of the day and say "Would you like to celebrate with me today? It's National Coffee Day and it would be great for us to get together for lunch or after work. What's a good time for you?"

Even if she does not answer, leave a pleasant message that will make her smile, and  at least you will stay on her mind all day.  Remember, this date idea is able to be used all year 'round! That's Ferrera Fresh in a "Life...with Style!" A text message can work too, but be creative in your wording and no typos.

Have at it gentlemen, and remember it's the simple things in life that make her smile. You do not always need to buy fancy gifts or watches, what she really wants is your time

Happy National Coffee Day!

Yours Truly,

Michael Ferrera

Check out other fresh date ideas and blog post HERE or the images below!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge


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