A Higher Cool or simply "Advance Your Swagger"

Throughout time, we have seen many books that are appropriate to the manners, class, and style of the time. Yet, I have also found some books that have stood the test of time and are always appropriate for the enhancement of a gentleman. Some of these timeless gentleman books (I would recommend reading) are, How to be a Gentleman by John Bridges & Gentleman by Bernhard Roetzel.

However, there is a book that I read earlier this year, which is very appropriate in an era where simple manners and etiquette can easily be remiss among life's rush, technology & social media. The book that captured my attention, because of its simplicity and reading ease is by Mr. Fonzworth Bentley titled Advance Your Swagger: How to Use Manners, Confidence & Style to Get Ahead. This is a great tool that almost anyone can learn from. It's perfect for mature gents to add to their existing knowledge and pass this knowledge on to our youth, who will eventually be the gentleman of the future.

Have a quick read of Advance Your Swagger! You will certainly enjoy this book ladies & gents, as another way to live "Life...With Style!"

Yours Truly,
Michael Ferrera

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